Welcome to Automated Insurance Management Systems. Where we have been building customized software for over 30 years. Our customers have relied on our experience and support to successfully serve their policy holders. We are a hands-on, family run company with full in-house development, testing, installation, and customer support under one group. We are headquartered in Virginia with clients across the Mid-Atlantic.
The first AIMS insurance policy management system was started in 1979. It was designed and based on the workflow of with an insurance company. Our Lead system analyst and software engineer, Jack W. McReynolds (1930-2010), spent significant time learning the inner workings of the insurance industry from that Company’s point of view. Using this knowledge, the various AIMS systems have the ability to function within a company’s structure, rather than making the company conform to the software package’s structure.
Our company has a broad range of experience across different platforms and databases. At the companies inception, applications were built for mid-range IBM system 34 and S/36, then moved to AS/400 systems. As Microsoft Windows based systems became more prevalent, we migrated our systems to Windows-based computers. This experience makes our company particularly effective at migrating “legacy” systems and databases. We also have experience in migrating various windows databases to newer versions.
From the original software, this system has evolved into the current Personal and Commercial client/server versions of the AIMS system (AIMSpc). AIMS has a combined total of over 70 years of experience with policy accounting and management systems in the insurance industry.